Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sightings for Sunday May 12

Montréal:  Mount Royal Park this morning from 7-10 am. The overcast conditions/light rain coupled with the strong south-west winds overnight have brought in a large number of migrating passerines. I concentrated solely on the eastern slope of Mt Royal, between Avenue du Parc and the belvedere on Camillien-Houde.
The highlight for today's trip was a very large flock of warblers (130+) that moved swiftly through the trees just below the belvedere. The rain/wind forced the birds to feed a bit lower in the trees than they usually do. I was able to follow the flock for about an hour and managed to see/hear at least 20 species of warblers. Thrushes, vireos and flycatchers were also present in good numbers and were very vocal.
Warblers: Tennessee (15), Orange-crowned (2), Nashville (8), Northern Parula (15), Chestnut-sided (4), Cape May (5), Magnolia (5), Yellow-rumped (25), Black-throated Blue (10), Blackburnian (5), Black-throated Green (20), Palm (1), Bay-breasted (6), Blackpoll (8), Pine (3), Black-and-White (5), American Redstart (5), Ovenbird (5), Northern Waterthrush (1), Mourning (3)

Thrushes: Hermit (3), Swainson's (7), Veery (4), Gray-cheeked (1), Wood (2)

Vireos: Warbling (6), Philadelphia (2), Red-eyed (4), Blue-headed (1)

Flycatchers: Eastern Wood-Pewee (3), Least (2), Great Crested (6), Eastern Phoebe (3)

Others: Scarlet Tanager (1), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (3), Baltimore Oriole (2), White-crowned Sparrow (5), White-throated Sparrow (10), Brown Thrasher (1), Gray Catbird (2), House Wren (1), Winter Wren (1), Pileated Woodpecker (1), Northern Flicker (1), Chimney Swift (5), Turkey Vulture (2), Merlin (1)

Parulines: obscure (15), verdâtre (2), à joues grise (8), à collier (15),à flancs marron (4), à tigré (5), à tête cendré (5), à croupion jaune (25), bleue (10), Blackburnian (5), à gorge noire (20), à cournne rousse (1), à poitrine baie (6), rayée (8),des pins (3), noir et blanc (5), flamboyante (5), couronnée (5), des ruisseaux (1), triste (3)

Grives: solitaire (3), à dos olive (7), fauve (4), à joues grises (1), Bois (2)

Viréos: mélodieux (6), Philadelphie (2), aux yeux rouges (4), à tête bleue (1)

Moucherolles: Pioui (3), tchébec (2), Tyran huppé (6), Phébi (3)

Autres: Tangara écarlate (1), Cardinal à poitrine rose (3), Oriole de Baltimore (2), Bruant à couronne blanche (5), Bruant à gorge blanche (10), Moqueur roux (1), Moqueur chat (2), Troglodyte familier (1), Troglodyte mignon (1), Grand Pic (1), Pic flamboyant (1), Martinet ramoneur (5), Urubu à tête rouge (2), Faucon émerillon (1) 

66 species were observed in total.

The Botanical Gardens this afternoon from 2:45-4:45 pm. It was extremely windy, but birds were observed fairly easily in sheltered areas like the First Nations Garden, Tree House pond and the short woodland trail bordering Parc Maisonneuve.

Warblers: Nashville (2), Common Yellowthroat (1), American Redstart (1), Yellow (2), Blackpoll (4), Black-throated Blue (1), Yellow-rumped (12), Black-throated Green (3), Thrushes: Veery (1), Swainson's (3), Hermit (1)

Others: Least Flycatcher (1), Great Crested Flycatcher (1), Blue-headed Vireo (1), Warbling Vireo (2), Baltimore Oriole (1), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (2), White-crowned Sparrow (3), White-throated Sparrow (10), Cedar Waxwing (15), Brown Thrasher (2), Gray Catbird (3), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1), Tree Swallow (7), Northern Rough-winged Swallow (2), Purple Martin (1), Chimney Swift (2), Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1), Northern Flicker (1), Spotted Sandpiper (2), Peregrine Falcon (2), Cooper's Hawk (1), Turkey Vulture (1), Pied-billed Grebe (2), Wood Duck (1)

Parulines: à joues grise (2), masquée (1), Paruline flamboyante (1), jaune (2), rayée (4), bleu (1), à croupion jaune (12), à gorge noire (3 ), Grives: fauve (1), à dos olive (3), solitaire (1)

Autres: Moucherolle tchébec (1), Tyran huppé (1), Viréo à tête bleue (1), Viréo mélodieux (2), Oriole de Baltimore (1), Cardinal à poitrine rose (2), Bruant à couronne blanche (3) , Bruant à gorge blanche (10), Jaseur d'Amérique (15), Moqueur roux (2), Moqueur chat (3), Roitelet à couronne rubis (1), Hirondelle bicolore (7), Hirondelle à ailes hérissées (2), Hirodelle noire (1), Martinet ramoneur (2), Pic maculé (1), Pic flamboyant (1), Chevalier grivelé (2), Faucon pèlerin (2), Épervier de Cooper (1), Urubu à tête rouge (1), Grèbe à bec bigarré (2), Canard branchu (1)

57 species were observed in total. - V
ivek Govind Kumar

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